Marketing: The Bigger Picture

Effectively communicating the message and vision of your nonprofit means creating and posting various types of content. This includes long-form and short-form content. It includes audio, video, stories, and graphics. Variety keeps people engaged in what your organization is doing. Rather than reading words each week or seeing a video of you talking repeatedly, variety keeps your audience interested.

For instance, you have a variety of platforms on which you can publish your information. Concentrate your efforts on two or three social media sites rather than trying to post on all of them. This will keep you focused so you can produce high-quality content.

How should you choose your platforms? One way to look at that question is to ask about your audience. Who are you trying to connect with? If your audience is younger, you will want to choose platforms they visit regularly like TikTok or Instagram. An older audience is more likely to visit Facebook or Twitter. Focus on their needs and wants and target your content production to them.

When producing content, see the big marketing picture. Think strategically. It’s easy to produce a simple three-minute video, but you can do more if you will think of the multiple pieces that can come from a single piece of content. It’s important to keep this in mind during the pre-production so you can plan ahead. For example, suppose you produce a short-form video (5-8 minutes) of a testimonial. You can then cut different parts of the video into a number of short videos of 30-40 seconds.

And you can create graphics using material from the script.

And you can produce a blog post or two.

All of that content comes from a single video. It gives you a greater variety of content. When you plan all of this ahead of time, it will make your production time more efficient and streamlined.

You have a great story to tell, but don’t get caught in a repetitious trip. Instead, keep it fresh by using a variety of content. Think ahead and plan how you can use this material and then go for it. Let the world know what you are doing and how much your nonprofit matters.


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