The Importance of Social Media Presence for a Non-Profit Organization

You believe in the vision of your organization. You are passionate about the ways you will make a difference in the world. You want others to know about your work, either as a recipient or as a supporter. But how? How can you connect with as many people as possible?

This daunting task has never been easier. The answer is simple — social media. 

Your presence on platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube or even LinkedIn gives you access to 3.2 billion people around the globe. Yes, 3.2 billion people around the world are on social media. That’s almost half of the world’s population! The opportunity for  massive impact is easy and accessible. 

Why is social media so effective? 

1— It reaches people wherever they are. Because the internet is global, you can connect with any person at any time at any place (almost) through social media. From sitting in traffic to sitting on the toilet, social media gives non-profits an uninterrupted opportunity to reach people. 

2— It also gives you the chance to be transparent. You can record yourself  sharing your thoughts and ideas live. No filters or rehearsal. Vulnerability engages an audience at a deep level. When you open up and show your imperfections,  people feel like they connect with you. It gives them a reason to trust you and to continue the conversation.  

3— Social media is versatile. Social media provides a variety of communication opportunities such as messaging, video, podcasts, and blogs. A single piece of content can be used in diverse ways. You can inspire people with the story of your non-profit. Tell them about your journey through words, music, and/or video. 

What does your social media footprint look like? Is it active? 

Are you or someone in your organization investing the time to share your story with others? 

And to engage them in the movement you created? 


Marketing: The Bigger Picture